In college, I majored in Physics but mixed it up with some CS courses through my Data Science minor. I designed my coursework to build up the technical skills I’d need for research and SWE internships. I liked the interesection of Physics and CS so it made perfect sense to keep that momentum going into the research I’m working on now.

MATH 321 (Vector & Complex Analysis) and ART 100 (Introduction to Art) were my top picks. MATH 321 was tough (apparently the hardest course @ Wisconsin) but rewarding, deepening my understanding of linear algebra. ART 100 was a vibe, especially since I took it with my best friend. We sketched, painted, and explored museums and concerts, making it memorable.

Fall 2020
MATH 221   
Calculus & Analytic Geometry 1
ECON 100   
Economics for Non-Majors
ASTRON 104   
Our Exploration of the Solar System
INTER-LS 250    
Required for Undergraduate Research Scholars Program
Spring 2021
PHY 207   
General Physics 1
CS 220   
Data Science Programming 1
MATH 222   
Calculus & Analytic Geometry 2
LIT TRANS 275   
The Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
INTER-LS 250   
Required for Undergraduate Research Scholars Program
Fall 2021
PHY 208   
General Physics 2
MATH 234   
Multivariable Calculus
ART 100   
Introduction to Art
LIS 202   
Informational Divides & Differences in a Multicultural Society
EMA 599   
Supervised Research
Spring 2022
PHY 241   
Introduction to Modern Physics
PHY 307   
Laboratory for Modern Physics
MATH 320   
Linear Algebra & Differential Equations
LIS 461   
Data & Algorithms: Ethics & Policy
RPSE 100   
Disability & Society
EMA 599   
Supervised Research
Fall 2022
PHY 311   
Classical Mechanics
CS 320   
Data Science Programming 2
STAT 240   
Data Science Modeling 1
ENGL 153   
Literature & the Environment
EMA 599   
Supervised Research
Spring 2023
PHY 322   
Electromagnetic Fields
MATH 321   
Applied Vector & Complex Analysis
PHY 325   
Classical & Modern Optics
LIS 351   
Introduction to Digital Information
EMA 599   
Supervised Research
Fall 2023
PHY 448   
Quantum Mechanics 1
CS 532   
Matrix Methods in Machine Learning
BIOCHEM 104   
Molecules to Life & Nature of Science
EMA 599   
Supervised Research
Spring 2024
PHY 449   
Quantum Mechanics 2
PHY 415   
Thermal Physics
PHY 407   
Advanced Laboratory in Modern Physics
INTER-LS 260   
Required research credits for Hilldale Fellowship