
Click the icon to the right to download a PDF version of my resume.

General Information

Full Name Dhanvi Bharadwaj
Interests Quantum circuit simulation, Quantum-HPC hybrid systems, Tensor Networks, Error Mitigation, Compilers
Languages Python, C++, Cython, Julia, SystemVerilog
Tools Qiskit, Pennylane, cuQuantum, PyTorch, NumPy, CuPy, Pybind11, LLVM


  • 2024-Present
    PhD, Computer Science
    University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
    • Advisor: Dr. Gokul Ravi
    • Focus: Quantum Computing Architecture
    • MICDE Fellow 2024
  • 2020-2024
    Bachelor of Science, Physics
    University of Wisconsin - Madison
    • Cumulative GPA: 3.9/4.0
    • Hilldale Research Fellow 2023


  • Summer '24
    Quantum Computing Software Intern
    NVIDIA Math Libraries Team
    • Implemented the Simple Update algorithm with CuPy and C++ to optimize matrix product states, enhancing the accuracy of tensor network contractions involving 2-qubit gates and MPOs.
    • Designed a preprocessing method to introduce gauge structures into user-provided MPS.
    • Collaborated with Senior Engineers during team-led CUDA workshops, refining GPU programming techniques and ensuring industry-level coding standards throughout development.
  • Spring '24'
    Software Engineer Intern
    • Conducted detailed profiling and performance analysis on qBraid Lab with Quantum Volume circuits, identifying and resolving kernel bottlenecks.
    • Led comprehensive benchmarking studies on SOTA NVIDIA GPU hardware systems, exploring the effect of depolarizing noise on density matrix-based simulation techniques.
  • Summer '23
    Quantum Machine Learning Intern
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    • Developed and implemented Quantum Machine Learning models using Pennylane and Qiskit frameworks, focusing on 2-6 qubits to assess predictive capabilities on highly multivariate and non-linear datasets.
    • Optimized fidelity and cross-entropy loss methods for our models, to reduce loss function values by an average of 20%.
    • Utilized state-of-the-art techniques such as data re-uploading to solve limitations posed by the no-cloning theorem and enhance the performance of our quantum models by 30%.
    • Implemented and refined quantum circuit architectures such as SU(4) and IsingZZ coupling for multiclass classification tasks on imbalanced datasets.
  • 2020-2024
    Undergraduate Research Assistant
    Thevamaran Lab , UW-Madison
    • Utilized Python to implement computational techniques to correct strain-overshoot in viscoelastic relaxation experiments, to help improve the accuracy of dynamic moduli calculations.
    • Collaborated with researchers to execute data analysis using SciPy that identified an opportunity to reduce noise from resonance effect.
    • Investigated the viscoelastic properties of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNT) across broad frequency and amplitude ranges using dynamic mechanical analyzer.
  • 2023-2024
    Quantum Software Lead
    Wisconsin Quantum Computing Club
    • Led a team of 5 students to organize the inaugural IBM Qiskit Fall Fest at UW-Madison consisting of Workshops, Tutorials, and a Hackathon.
    • Developed interactive workshops for 80+ students in Quantum Simulations and Error-Correction.
    • Taught introductory topics related to quantum computing and linear algebra.
    • Organized career talks for students with leading experts in quantum computing from industry and academia.

Open Source Contributions

  • 2024
    • Expanded pauli twirling functionality in IBM Qiskit's research library by adding gate-set generation support and modularizing code for scalability.
    • Implemented comprehensive tests to ensure robustness and validate new two-qubit gate features.
  • 2023
    • Implemented 15 unsupported quantum gates to expand the functionality of the PyTorch-based framework for fast GPU-supported circuit simulations.
    • Integrated various quantum circuits and template layers to improve library's versatility at unitaryHack 2023.

Awards and Fellowships

  • 2024
    • MICDE Fellowship for research in HPC+X fields
  • 2023
    • Hilldale Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Hobbies & Interests

  • Photography & Cinematography (Lightroom is my all-time favorite piece of software)
  • Sand Volleyball (My postgrad hobby pick)
  • I like listening to music. Check out my Spotify here!
  • Traveling (I've explored 17 countries and counting)